2022 in Review

On the first day of 2022, I photographed my first assignment and new that this year would be one of change.

In January, I was still working a full-time job providing marketing photography, design, and web management for a local organization. However, in late spring, I felt ready and comfortable enough to step away and put all of my energy into my business and photography.

Part of that comfort came from one past opportunity resurfacing and being accepted into a fellowship program. I jumped at the opportunity to lead a Putney Student Travel trip to Iceland over the summer and accept a fellowship with Solutions Journalism Network. These two opportunities jumpstarted my work.

I am deeply grateful for what followed. I’ve found a place in my region as a creative and business owner. I’ve created projects that showcase and fuel my creativity. There have been new opportunities that push me to slow down and spend more time with a topic or idea. And, I have more time for myself, my family, and my work.

I am grateful for all the changes and growth in the previous year and I know it will be key to a fulfilling 2023.

Below you’ll find some of my favorite images and links to stories/projects that I’ve worked on.


After a quick start to editorial work, it was quiet for the first half of the year. In the summer, I was able to contribute a travel story to The Washington Post with archived images from a previous trip to the Boundary Waters. However, a big step came when I was able to pitch a photo essay focused on Iceland from my second trip to the island.

This was the first travel piece I pitched and was accepted. While pitching this story, I was working as a photo/expedition leader for Putney to the island and, also, created, printed, and sold zines to showcase my thoughts and reactions to Iceland and the lessons the location teaches.

You can still purchase a copy of the zine here.

In November, things shifted rather quickly and I was able to cover a handful of political stories in Michigan and Indiana. This bump in editorial work was energizing and an opportunity to push my photography to create unique images within the framework of politics.

Here are a few stories that featured my images: 

I am looking forward to more editorial work in 2023 with an emphasis on portraiture in support of daily assignments and project work. 


Early in the year, I was working on finalizing some portraits for a gallery at the South Bend Civic Theatre. The images were made in partnership with Connect 2 Be The Change, a local nonprofit working to reduce gun violence in our community. It was my first solo gallery setup, which meant I was learning along the way, but it was great to see the images on display and help share a broader narrative around those working to reduce gun violence in South Bend.

A local client in South Bend has also been a great supporter of my portrait work. I’ve been able to create imagery for teams at the college, which are the building blocks for social posts for the teams. This has been a great opportunity to utilize an on-location studio setup and work on creating emotion in portraits.


My most consistent work in 2022 was from education clients. From the portraits that I mentioned earlier to event work, the range is wide. This work allows me to create documentary-style images that showcase the stories of life on campus for students, faculty, and staff. And, this is rather obvious, but the consistent work has been so helpful in establishing my business.

You can see more of my recent education work here.

Personal Work/Fellowship

One project that I am continuing to work on is my fellowship with Solutions Journalism Network. From digital seminars to an article that is nearing publication, it has been a journey filled with growth (I feel like I am constantly referring to this pdf when interviewing).

Throughout this project and process, I’ve been working to examine the individuals and organizations in a few cities in the region that are working to reduce gun violence at the community level. As you’ll see in the (non-exhaustive) diagram below is that the closer/more I’ve looked, the more complexity I am recognizing, which makes a whole lot of sense.

That being said, I am so grateful for the individuals and organizations who have let me sit at the table and discuss their lives and work. It has been illuminating and encouraging.

Well, 2022 was a ride. I went fully independent, started traveling for work again, and added new clients to the roster. I’ve settled into life in northern Indiana and started to find my place in my community. I am grateful for all the changes and growth in the previous year and will be building on all that I learned in 2022 as I navigate 2023. 

If you are interested in working together, please reach out. I am planning to do more creative commercial/editorial portraiture and food photography!

Also, below is a photo of me about to dive into a pastrami sandwich at Katz’s Deli in New York City.

Evan Cobb

Evan is a photographer, filmmaker, and writer based in South Bend, Indiana. His visual work focuses on documenting storytelling moments for editorial and commercial clients.


The Eye-catching Nature of Food GIFs


Portraits of my Grandma