Feature Photos for The Wall Street Journal | Carmel, Indiana

In November, I spent a day in Carmel, Indiana, working on a piece for The Wall Street Journal’s Mansion section. The assignment took me around town, met the outgoing and incoming mayor, and spent time with a couple of families. The weather put a slight damper on the plans, but I was pleased with the overall outcome of the images and how they ran in print!

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Evan Cobb Evan Cobb

UAW Strike for The New York Times | Toledo, Ohio

On the first day of the United Auto Workers strike, I spent the day in Toledo, Ohio, covering the story for The New York Times. For a good chunk of the day, one of my first images from the coverage was at the top of the outlet’s website.

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Editorial Evan Cobb Editorial Evan Cobb

Turning the Tide on Gun Violence for Belt Magazine

Over the last year, I’ve participated in the inaugural Complicating the Narratives Fellowship through the Solutions Journalism Network. This fellowship educated me on solutions journalism methodology and allowed me to focus my attention on a story impacting communities nationwide—gun violence.

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Editorial Evan Cobb Editorial Evan Cobb

A Michigan County Divided for The Washington Post

Throughout January, I worked on a story that involved tense county board meeting(s) and various portraits to showcase the tension in Ottawa County. The images were a part of the story titled “In a thriving Michigan county, a community goes to war with itself” for The Washington Post.

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Evan Cobb Evan Cobb

Youth Sports & Money for The Washington Post

A look at a Washington Post focused on youth sports and money that ran in mid-December. The article focuses on the Vasquez family and explores the limitations of athletic opportunities, exposure, and access for their children due to the amount of money that the family can afford to spend on tournaments, travel, leagues, and other expenses related to athletics.

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