Chuck | Creative Studio Portraiture | South Bend, Indiana

Collaboration and connection were drivers for my creativity in 2023.

Chuck Fry was one of those collaborators who provided feedback and inspiration. Chuck is a director/producer who returned to the region about a decade ago after a lengthy stint in Los Angeles, where he worked in production.

I asked Chuck to sit for some portraits so that I could try out some lighting setups at Em En (another key collaborator throughout 2023).

After the session, Chuck and I sat down to discuss creativity. Below is a lightly edited conversation between us.

Evan: What are you surprised about creating in the region?
Chuck: “The willingness to see my vision and be a part of it. And that is like, ‘can I film in your store, can I film in your house, can I use your car, would you be in this? And nearly everyone says yes.

E: What inspires you to keep going as a creative?
C: “I think the big thing is that there are a lot of stories out there … I can’t do much, but I can tell a good story. I love storytelling and talking to people. The relationships keep me going. But, really getting that exposure to people and organizations that might not get it otherwise.”

E: How do you channel your personality into the projects you are working on?
C: “I think sometimes I am too transparent. But I have to be honest with talent and just be myself so they will be themselves with me.”

“I don’t try to change myself when I walk on set. I want people to know that I am being myself, and we can have a good relationship with each other, and nothing is artificial.”

“I like people to know that we are in this together. And my thing is that I like telling stories about recovery because I’ve been through that, and it’s a big thing in my life, and I can relate to those people and have zero judgment.” 

E: What is a takeaway from 2023?
C: “I think I’ve told you this a million times, but it started out fast and then got slow. I’ve learned to flip the script and be like, ‘I welcome this pace.’ I needed it right now, and it let me get my mental health in check. I know I’ve been a bit cheesy about this, but I know it is important, and I want people to know that it is ok to be vulnerable and we all struggle.”

I greatly appreciate Chuck’s honesty and willingness to be in front of the camera and share a piece of his story. So many others in the area have been a part of my creative journey in 2023, and I sincerely appreciate those willing to share a coffee or work on a project together.

I’m looking forward to creating together in 2024.

Evan Cobb

Evan is a photographer, filmmaker, and writer based in South Bend, Indiana. His visual work focuses on documenting storytelling moments for editorial and commercial clients.

Museum Grand Opening | The University of Notre Dame


Portraits for The New York Times | South Bend, Indiana